Wir, die „Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen“ (DFG-VK) protestieren gegen die Einstufung unserer russischen Partnerorganisation, der „Bewegung der Kriegsdienstverweigerer“ (Движение сознательных отказчиков), als „ausländische Agenten“ durch den russischen Staat.
Kriegsdienstverweigerung ist ein Menschenrecht und die Beratung junger Menschen, denen der Einzug ins Militär droht, legitim. Für den russischen Staat ist aber schon das zu viel und sie belegen unsere Partnerorganisation mit Repressalien. Gemeinsam mit knapp 100 Antikriegsorganisationen auf der ganzen Welt sind wir als Teil der „War Resisters International“ solidarisch mit der russischen „Bewegung der Kriegsdienstverweigerer“.
An dieser Stelle dokumentieren wir eine aktuelle Mitteilung der Organisation:
Dear Partners,
We write with an urgent update regarding our organisation. As of last Friday, June 23rd, the Movement of Conscientious Objectors has been officially labeled as a „foreign agent“ in the Russian Federation.
This action, while a demonstration of the effectiveness of our work, is fundamentally a discriminatory application of law that contradicts universally accepted human rights and freedoms.
The Ministry of Justice accuses us of disseminating supposedly false information about the government’s actions, decisions, and policies, in addition to opposing Russia’s military actions in Ukraine. For the current government of the Russian Federation these allegations are sufficient to warrant the stigmatization of our organization.
Our team has been working diligently over the weekend to undertake measures for the safety of our dedicated team members and the communities we serve. A significant number of our volunteers and coordinators are based in Russia, and they now face a heightened risk of state pressure and persecution. Despite these increased threats, we remain committed to supporting those who resist war and forced conscription.
We want to assure you that the Movement of Conscientious Objectors will continue our mission. We stand firm in our principles and values, dedicated to educating individuals about their right to conscientious objection to military service.
This situation underlines the importance of our partnership with the global community. Starting this week, we will introduce a monthly news digest to keep you and other interested parties informed about our ongoing work and challenges. Feel free to pass this message along to anyone who may be interested in following our work.
We take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of your continued support. Whether it involves amplifying our voice, providing outreach opportunities, or assisting with fundraising efforts, your contributions are invaluable in these challenging times.
Thank you for standing with us. We deeply appreciate your ongoing commitment and support.
Warm regards,
The Movement of Conscientious Objectors, 26th June 2023
The Movement of Conscientious Objectors
Движение сознательных отказчиков | The Movement of conscientious objectors |
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Michael Schulze von Glaßer
Politischer Geschäftsführer der DFG-VK
+49 176 23575236